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Plot twist

Plot Twist… My ‘Mid Life Awakening’


Have you ever worked towards a dream, meticulously curating its every detail for days, months and years on end, only to stand back at the point of culmination to ponder that perhaps this may only just be the beginning?


Welcome to my current world.


As the moonlight streams through the windows of my bedroom I am excited, nervous and apprehensive at my next move in life. And, I am also surprised.


What the hell am I doing?


Feed Your Soul was my baby. I built her from the ground up. She was business was based on what I did well: creating amazing food. It was an unquestionable path that pulled me towards all corners of the globe, drawing me to people and places that I could have only dreamed of encountering. To me, food was a reflex, a sixth sense. And to boot, I loved it. I was extremely proud of what I had created.


But as it turns out, something was missing.


It appears that the goal posts have in fact moved. In fact, one could say that they are at opposite ends of the field… in a different location altogether.


The beginning of the year had forced me to reassess my living arrangements.

Byron Bay had been my long time base for over a decade and anyone that has visited recently would be able to verify how quickly, this once sleepy town has changed into a mecca for the uber hip and increasingly wealthy…

Which makes it uber hard to find decent affordable dig for a local lass like me.

My search for a humble abode went on for weeks, then months. I began to despair. It felt like gravity was shifting. And in the root of my desperation, new and different prospects began entering my sphere.


Eventually there were signs that I could no longer ignore.


And so, it appears it is time to go with the flow of life, to surrender to this new path (of least resistance) and begin listening to my greatest teacher:  Intuition.

For some time I’ve been on an upstream swim and I now realise it no longer has to be like this. I have a choice.


And as I sit here watching this big ol’ moon in the hours that I should be sleeping, I consider that perhaps (at 34 years old) that maybe I am in the throes of a nearly mid life crisis. Though I wonder if the label ‘crisis’ is more of an ‘awakening’ seeing as I have arrived here by choice?


Surrendering to this direction has taken a while. But now that I have let go, I realise I’m being divinely guided in a sense. And I am ready.


In my personal life I have been undergoing a spiritual rebirth of sorts. Gone are my party days ( and I’ve had a few lifetimes of them..) I wanted something more and through a deep connection to source, fulfilment through meditation and listening to my deep inner voice I realised I had access to it. It is so unquestionably clear that I am here to give back, to heal, and to be of service to others and to myself.


And so, as much as my passion for cooking is still very much alive and it is still my primary source of income, I am inspired to learn new skills in order to expand and to grow ‘Feed Your Soul’ into a well-rounded holistic experience: a life and health coaching practice. Using my years of experience as a private chef I will help clients better understand their lives, habits and diets through other new and exciting modalities.


I’m leaning into this new and unchartered territory of self-discovery. I want to learn first-hand what it is to reinvent myself, to honour the past, bring forth the nuggets of learned wisdom, remodel them into valuable gems of knowledge in order to help myself and others strip back the unnecessary layers that hold us back from being the best version of ourselves that we can possibly be.


Life is too precious for regrets. The time is absolutely and unequivocally NOW.


So welcome to Eat Pray Love 2:0. I invite you to join me in sharing and experiencing all that I encounter and learn along the way. I promise you it will not be boring! In my journey, I hope to inspire others with the idea that it is never too late in life to change direction and that if we are prepared to truly listen, that the lessons are always there.


The universe is always encouraging our growth and expansion and if we let ourselves take a leap of faith, not only will it catch us, but it may just give us the magic we need to fly.